Results for West Bank Park - 30 Jun 2021 - Provisional

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Results will be added here soon after the event has taken place.


PosNameClubAge ClassTimeBehind1 482 373 314 415 426 517 578 589 6010 3311 5312 4413 3614 4915 4316 4717 3418 5219 4520 3821 4022 3223 3524 46F1


Results will be added here soon after the event has taken place.

30 controls, limit 45 minutes, 300 points

PosNameClubAge ClassScoreTimePointsBonus/Penalty                               


Results will be added here soon after the event has taken place.


PosNameClubAge ClassTimeBehind1 512 393 414 315 546 567 558 459 3710 3511 3212 4013 3814 4615 50F1