A Yorkshire Super League event, with thanks for kind permission of Friends of Raincliffe Woods, Woodlands Academy and Scarborough Borough Council.
Make a weekend of it with CLOK’s event in Stockton-on-tees on Saturday 29th, and HALO’s urban event in Driffield on Monday 31st May
Location: - Scarborough
Fixture Date: - 30/05/2021
Woodlands Academy, Woodlands Drive, Scarborough YO12 6QN ( ///upper.pops.rescue) signposted to Woodlands cemetery. Coming in to Scarbororugh, follow signs to Scarborough General Hospital, the event will be signposted from the A171, Scalby Road, in Scarborough.
Parking will be on the hard standing in the school grounds. Please follow directions of marshalls to park efficiently. Space is limited so later arrivals should park further along Woodlands Drive between Graham School and the cemetery entrance (don’t block the bus turn round). Car sharing is encouraged. Late arrivals may have to find their own solution. Toilets (bring your own paper) will be in place near the start.
Mature mixed woodland on steep North facing slope. There are forestry workings in the western part of the wood. Courses are planned to avoid these areas, but they will be marked on the maps in the start lanes. Note this is not a buggy friendly area. Dogs are allowed
No EOD, all entries online by Fabian by 23:59 Wednesday 26th May.
from 1030 to 1230. Courses close at 1430. Two Starts in operation High and Low. The starts (and toilets) are 1km from assembly, please allow 15-20 mins. The route will be taped and will cross neighbouring fields and along a road side with no formal pavement. The route back from the finish is different and will be taped, crossing a caravan park and fields. Please take care on the roadside, and be considerate of other footpath users and caravan park patrons, and ensure gates are closed.
Please comply with Covid procedures for distancing and sanitisation as requested. Please obey instructions of Start marshals.
Electronic chip hire £1 Senior & 50p Junior (note SIAC dibbers will not be available to hire)
Course | Distance | Climb | Start |
Black | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Brown | 7.0km | 240m | High |
Blue | 5.9km | 200m | High |
Green | 4.0km | 125m | High |
Short Green | 3.2km | 90m | Low |
Very Short Green | 2.5km | 85m | Low |
Light Green | 3.0km | 105m | Low |
Orange | 2.6km | 100m | Low |
Yellow | 1.5km | 100m | Low |
White | 1.2km | 60m | Low |
SI electronic punching, SIAC enabled.
Download will be managed in a socially distant manner. If you have any queries or issues about your run subsequent to downloading, please notify download marshal who will either fix any computing problem or contact an event official if necessary on your behalf.
Although a thorough risk assessment has been conducted by the organiser, orienteering is an adventure sport and you are taking part at your own risk.
Results will be posted on the Eborienteers website as well as here, once the event has occurred. Please allow 24 hours.
- Organiser:
- Planner:
- Controller:
Simon Brook - EBOR
David Horn - EBOR
Paul Taylor - CLOK
Please follow the latest Government Covid-19 advice.
British Orienteering and EBORIENTEERS take their safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. Please report any concerns to either Eborienteers’ safeguarding lead (Amanda Cooper, acc_cm@hotmail.com ) or to British Orienteering (safeguarding@britishorienteering.org.uk ).
Data Protection
Some of the data you provide at registration (name, club and age class) will be used to publish results on our website. All other data required for insurance purposes will be kept for 5 years.
If you are not yet a member of an orienteering club affiliated to British Orienteering, we encourage you to join, and benefit from the membership advantages from British Orienteering and Eborienteers. Please ask any of our club officials for more information on how to join.
Photography policy
We have a policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser.