White Rose Weekend
White Rose 2024 has had to be cancelled
Here are some memories from last year, 2023
Another enjoyable weekend is over for another year. The main race results are available at the Results tab above.
The full Hill Race results are available here, and congratulations to the following winners:
1st Woman Isla Simpson CLOK W14 26 secs
1st Man Billy Cole PFO M16 23 secs
Special prizes:
Sebastian Carr AIRE M10 36 secs and 10 attempts
Joby Pinker Hull AIRE M10 33 secs and 10 attempts
Eva Baker W4 68 secs
Hannah Retter Jones W3 76 secs
Pace & Bearing Comp Results.
Bearing of 155 degrees for 50 metres.
The winner was the person placing their numbered marker closet to the measured position.
68 Entries and the Winners are:
1st ANDY THORNTON MDOC within 1.63m
2nd LOUISE REYNOLDS SYO within 1.83m
3rd SAM OSBOURNE LOC within 2.08m
The quiz winners were:
1st Team SKINNER WCOC 89 points Prize 2 WR Mugs + Toblerone
2nd Team O’DRISCOLL + SON NOR 88 points (tie breaker 3.49m) Prize 2 WR Mugs
3rd Team STATELY HATELYS DEE 88 points (tie breaker 2.75m) Prize 2 WR Mugs
4th Team OLD JOHNSONS SYO/BL 88 points (tie breaker 2,20m) Prize 2 WR Mugs
The quiz and clothing sale raised £283.37 for Cancer Research. Many thanks to all who contributed. Answers here.
See you all next year in North Yorkshire.
(Photos courtesy Steve Whitehead)
The original orienteering holiday weekend 25th to 28th August 2023, this year in Pickering Forest. We are using areas from the cancelled 2020 JK and we are partnering with our friends at CLOK who will be in charge on the Sunday for the Classic distance race.
The weekend is being staged in and around Pickering Forest in North Yorkshire from Friday 25th to Monday 28th August 2023.The assembly area and campsite is at Wethead Farm, Newton Dale, Stape, GR SE811928, what3words: handbook.scorching.feast (https://mapcarta.com/N6064703500)Update 15/0
Wethead lies 15km north of Pickering. Leave the A170 at the traffic lights by Lidl, signposted “Town Centre/Newton on Rawcliffe”. Stay on this road through Newton and Stape. The route to assembly will be signed from grid reference SE792936 (Lat,Long (WGS84)54.33258801385546,-0.7821818838812115; what3words:signature.grinders.hoaxes).
Access by vehicle is only possible from the west. DO NOT try to come via Levisham as the old Forestry Commission road which used to link across the forest is now closed.
The roads north of Pickering are generally quiet but they are narrow and the last few kilometres have long sections of single track. There will be access restrictions applied to orienteering traffic
- The campsite and assembly will be open from Friday evening until Monday evening at Wet Head Farm.
- The Night Score event on Friday evening, always very popular and very sociable, will have a mass start at 9pm.
- The Middle Distance Race on Saturday morning 1030-1300.
- The Trail-O race on Saturday afternoon 1500-1700.
- The Classic Distance Race on Sunday 1030-1300, planned and organised by CLOK
- The Sprint Race on Monday 1000-1100 with early starts to allow those travelling to get away.
- NYMBO mountain bike event with starts from 1200-1300
- The Maze will be in the assembly field on Saturday and Sunday from 1000 – 1400hrs
- The Quiz will be from Friday evening until Sunday at 1200hrs.
- BBQ for all, after the main Prize Giving on Sunday evening.
- The Pace & Bearing competition will be in the assembly field from Friday evening until Sunday at 1200hrs.
- Catering and traders present
All races and activities have been planned to provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everybody. Classic and Middle Distance races on Saturday and Sunday have been planned to British Orienteering event level B standards. The Sprint is level C and the Night Score level D.
All races will use SportIdent electronic punching, contactless for those with SIAC cards.
All race entries and camp site bookings to be made via Racesignup as follows:
Event |
Early Bird (closing date midnight 16th July 2023) |
Standard (closing date midnight 13th August 2023) |
Late entries up to midnight 24th August and EOD (subject to map availability) |
Adult |
Junior |
Family* |
Adult |
Junior |
Family* |
Adult |
Junior |
Family* |
Night Score |
£5 |
£3 |
£13 |
£5 |
£3 |
£13 |
£6 |
£3 |
£15 |
Middle |
£12 |
£6 |
£30 |
£14 |
£7 |
£35 |
£16 |
£8 |
£40 |
Trail O |
£8 |
£4 |
£22 |
£10 |
£5 |
£25 |
Classic |
£12 |
£6 |
£30 |
£14 |
£7 |
£35 |
£16 |
£8 |
£40 |
Sprint |
£8 |
£4 |
£20 |
£8 |
£4 |
£20 |
£10 |
£5 |
£25 |
- Family fees capped by use of discount code ‘WR23Fam’ for each entry of 2nd or more children.
- Late entries can be made at any time during the weekend, and will be dependent on map availability
Camp Site per night (single pitch for up to 6 people) |
Early Bird £12 |
Standard £12 |
Late Entry £18 |
Day Parking (cash only payable on arrival) |
£2 per day |
30 minute score event. Mass start at 2100 and collect as many controls as you can within the time limit.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three in each of the following twelve classes:
Age Group | BOF Age | Age Group | BOF Age |
Young Junior Men | M10/12 | Veteran Women | W40/45/50 |
Young Junior Women | W10/12 | Super Veteran Men | M55/60 |
Junior Men | M14/16 | Super Veteran Women | W55/60 |
Junior Women | W14/16 | Ultra Veteran Men | M65/70 |
Senior Men | M18/20/21/35 | Ultra Veteran Women | W65/70 |
Senior Women | W18/20/21/35 | Hyper Veteran Men | M75+ |
Veteran Men | M40/45/50 | Hyper Veteran Women | W75+ |
Venue; Wardle Rigg, Newtondale, Pickering.
Directions; Please follow the signs for the Night event which will take you out of the assembly field, then back into the forest to the Night event parking. Parking is on a forest road 2km from the campsite.
The start and finish are adjacent to each other at the front or east of the parking line. The race should start promptly at 2100 with a mass start, depending on the light conditions. There will be a race call up and brief at 2045, to ensure dibbers are cleared and checked. Loose descriptions will be available.
Course closes at 2145. Download will be at the Night event Start/Finish. Please ensure you download when you finish as this is a safety check, helping us ensure everyone is safely out of the area.
Map and Terrain; The map is part of the larger Pickering Forest map. Maps will be A4 size on waterproof paper with a scale of 1:7500.
The navigation will be a light green standard or easier, with a large number of controls positioned for the less experienced. The difficulty is choosing the quickest optimum route in the very limited time. Full leg cover and whistle will be required.
There will be 25 controls each worth 10 points each and strict time limit of 30 minutes. Anyone finishing after 30 minutes will receive a penalty of 5 points for every minute or part minute late. If you are 15 minutes late you will lose all your points.
Planners comments: Some narrow rides are marked with a dark green (fight) colour. This is to show that they have a large amount of undergrowth and heavily rutted with forestry machinery, which makes them extremely difficult to use or even walk along.
Please ensure you have a headlamp and time piece.
Download and results: Course closes at 2145. Download will be near the Night event
Start/Finish. Please ensure you download when you finish as this is a
safety check, helping us ensure everyone is safely out of the area. Results
will be posted online at https://www.sportident.co.uk/results/ebor/2023/WR23Score/
Ticks; Unfortunately the tick population has boomed this year. Good leg covering is highly recommended. Please check carefully you haven’t picked up any Ticks after your run.
Prize Giving; at the main Prize Giving on Sunday.
Venue; West side of Stony Moor
Directions; Starts walkable from assembly, 800m, 15mins.
Map and Terrain; Map for Black, Brown and Short Brown is 1:10000, and is double sided. The map for other courses is 1:7500, single sided. Printed on waterproof paper. Stony Moor is forested and slopes gently to the south, with steep valley side on the northern and western edge. Dangerous crags to the west will be taped with black and yellow tape.
Entries; Late entries and entry on the day subject to remaining map availability. You will select your own start time from those available and there is no requirement to have a late start one day then an early start the next, or vice versa
Course | BOF Age | Controls | Length(km) | Climb(m) |
Black | M21L | 25 | 5.0 | 125 |
Brown | M35L, M40L | 23 | 4.6 | 105 |
Short Brown | M18L, M20L, M45L, M50L, W21L, M21S | 22 | 4.3 | 95 |
Blue | M16A, M55L, M60L, W35L, W40L, M35S, M40S | 18 | 3.9 | 90 |
Short Blue | M65, W18, W20, W45, W50, M50S, M18S, M20S, M45S, M50S, W21S | 20 | 3.6 | 80 |
Green | M70L, W16A, W55L, W60L, M55S, M60S, W35S, W40S | 19 | 3.2 | 70 |
Short Green | M75, M80L, M85L, M90, W65, W70, M65S, W18S, W20S, W45S, W50S | 15 | 2.7 | 50 |
V Short Green | W75, W80, W85, W90, M70S, M75S, M80S, M85S, W55S, W60S, W65S, W70S | 11 | 2.2 | 20 |
Light Green | M14A, W14A, M16B, W16B | 15 | 2.6 | 75 |
Orange | M12A, W12A, M14B, W14B | 10 | 1.7 | 20 |
Yellow | M10A, W10A, M12B, W12B | 6 | 1.5 | 5 |
White | M10B, W10B | 9 | 1.3 | 5 |
Starts: There are start times available from 1030 – 1300. Separate course descriptions lists will available in start lanes. White & Yellow courses will be able to view their maps prior to starting. All other courses will have a -3 min call up and receive their map after the punching start. Note all courses have the same pre-start, but White has a separate start from the other courses.
Finish: the finish is 800m walk back to assembly. Courses close at 1430. The finish is by the main forest road by the railway and there may be traffic heading to the farms and holiday cottages. Finishers need to walk along the side of the road for approx a couple of hundred metres so need to be alert to traffic.
Download and Results; These will be in the main marquee. Please ensure you download your dibber when you finish and then we aren’t searching for you later in the day. Results will be posted
online, hopefully live (depends on phone signal) at https://www.sportident.co.uk/results/ebor/2023/WR23combined/
Prize Giving; at the main Prize Giving on Sunday.
Ticks; Unfortunately the tick population has boomed this year. Good leg covering is highly recommended. Please check carefully you haven’t picked up any Ticks after your run.
Venue; short walk from Wethead Farm assembly field
Directions; the start is within a short walk downhill from assembly. If you have a wheelchair please contact Peter Roberts in advance to arrange special route.
Map and Terrain; Map scale 1:3000, 5m contours.. Printed on waterproof paper. Drawn by Paul Taylor. Amendments by Peter Roberts .
Entries; Late entries and entry on the day subject to remaining map availability. You will select your own start time from those available and there is no requirement to have a late start one day then an early start the next, or vice versa
Courses: The course, planned by Peter Roberts, will count for the BriTOL (trail orienteering league). Total course length 900m; climb 50m. It will have 15x PreO sites followed by a timed 5x A-Z. (*this has changed from earlier details*)
Entry classes are Open, Junior and Class P (You will need to show why you think you should be in the P class.)
On the way to the start will be a sample control. It will be a laminated map with the answer on the back. This is just for practice. At the start of the A/Z course you will dib to start and dib to finish then you will go on to the Pre-O course. There are 5 controls on the A/Z followed by 15 controls on the Pre O course. For the Pre-O course there will be an overall time limit of 65 minutes with 80 minutes for the P class. There will be a penalty if you exceed these time limits.
Don’t forget the rules. “Quiet please” and whilst on the course you may not go into the terrain, you must stay on the forest road/bridle path. Be aware of other forest users. E.g. walkers, horse riders, cyclists..
We are using a 4 metre error tolerance rule. This means no incorrect flag is within 4m of any other flag unless that flag is on another mapped feature.
Starts: There are start times available from 1600-1800. *** Note we have had to put the start times back an hour from previously advertised time of 1500-1700 and those times available in Racesignup. ***
Finish: Courses close 1930.
After that time you are welcome to help bring in the equipment and look closer at the sites. Regret we cannot leave the kites out for practice
Download and Results; Download will be in the close to the finish. Please ensure you download your dibber when you finish and then we aren’t searching for you later in the day.
An SI card dibber is used to record the time you take, but a needle punch is used to record your answer on a special control card. Both this card and the map are waterproof. After you have finished please download your dibber at finish to show time taken.
The control card is folded in half with one side being returned to you to check against published results. We will endeavour to get solution maps to you as soon as possible after the course close time.
Prizes are awarded to the first 3 in open, P class, junior. The prize giving is on Sunday.
CLASSIC DISTANCE RACE – SUNDAY 27th AUGUST 2023, brought to you by 
***Full event information, final details, Routegadget, etc available at the CLOK website ***
Venue; Starts walkable from assembly at Wethead Farm.
Directions; Directions to starts in CLOK flyer
Map and Terrain; See CLOK flyer
Entries; Late entries and entry on the day subject to remaining map availability. You will select your own start time from those available and there is no requirement to have a late start one day then an early start the next, or vice versa. Enter your age class course as below. Course details on the CLOK flyer
Course | BOF Age | Controls | Length(km) | Climb(m) |
Black | M21L | |||
Brown | M35L, M40L | |||
Short Brown | M18L, M20L, M45L, M50L, W21L, M21S | |||
Blue | M16A, M55L, M60L, W35L, W40L, M35S, M40S | |||
Short Blue | M65L, W18, W20, W45, W50, M50S, M18S, M20S, M45S, M50S, W21S | |||
Green | M70L, W16A, W55L, W60L, M55S, M60S, W35S, W40S | |||
Short Green | M75L, M80L, M85L, M90, W65L, W70L, M65S, W18S, W20S, W45S, W50S | |||
V Short Green | W75, W80, W85, W90, M70S, M75S, M80S, M85S, W55S, W60S, W65S, W70S | |||
Light Green | M14A, W14A, M16B, W16B | |||
Orange | M12A, W12A, M14B, W14B | |||
Yellow | M10A, W10A, M12B, W12B | |||
White | M10B, W10B |
Starts: There are start times available from 1000 – 1300.
Finish: Will be in the assembly field. Courses close 1500.
Download and Results; These will be in the main marquee. Please ensure you download your dibber when you finish and then we aren’t searching for you later in the day. Results available at https://www.sportident.co.uk/results/ebor/2023/WR23combined/
Ticks; Unfortunately the tick population has boomed this year. Good leg covering is highly recommended. Please check carefully you haven’t picked up any Ticks after your run.
White Rose Trophies are awarded on results based on the cumulative times for Saturdays Middle and Sundays Classic Distance Races. Prizes (iconic mugs!) will be awarded to the first three in all age-group classes. You can enter any course you prefer, however, to qualify for a White Rose trophy:
- Competitors must have entered for both days.
- Must run the colour course applicable to their age class and gender.
White Rose Trophies (mugs) are also awarded to the top three in each of the age categories for the Night event and Sprint race.
The Yorkshire Water Trophy is awarded each year to the Family with the best performance over the Classic and Middle Distance Races. It is awarded to the Family (defined as three members of the same family to include at least one Junior running M/W20 or less and at least one senior running a colour course applicable to their class) with the lowest aggregate score over the 2 days in any class (1 point for first place, 2 for second, 3 for third etc.).
Registration for this competition must be made free of charge on Saturday using a special entry form that can be collected from Enquiries. You should return the completed form to Enquiries before 1230hrs on Saturday.
Venue; Stony Moor, Stape, Pickering. Car parking at Rawcliffe Motors, Stape Rd, YO18 8JA
Directions;There will be a walking route marked from the camping field to the Sprint start which will be approximately 1.8Km and 80m of climb and the finish a further 500m.
Those wishing to drive can follow the signs which will take you out of the assembly field, through the forest, onto public roads back south towards Newton on Rawcliffe. Parking is at Rawcliffe Motors YO18 8JA, 5.5km from the camping field. The start is a level 800m from the car park and the finish 300m. We have arranged earlier than normal start times and this car park for those who are eager to start their journeys home.
Map and Terrain; The map is part of the larger Pickering Forest map. Maps will be A4 size on waterproof paper with a scale of 1:5000.
The east part of Stony Moor will be used for the Middle race and the Sprint will use the west end. The west end is much more runnable, so this is not a traditional Sprint event in urban territory but one in the forest. The area is a mixture of forest with both open and semi open land. There are ancient burial grounds, dykes and an ancient building. There are few paths and the terrain will be slower than running on cut grass. Full leg cover and whistle will be required.
Entries; Via Racesignup until 23rd August (see above). Limited entry during the weekend and on the day depending on map numbers.
Starts; 10 minute walk from parking. There are start times available from 1000 – 1130. Separate course description lists will be available in the start lanes.
Finish; The finish is 5 minute walk from parking.
Ticks; Unfortunately the tick population has boomed this year. Good leg covering is highly recommended. Please check carefully you haven’t picked up any Ticks after your run.
Download and Results; Download will be adjacent to the Sprint race finish and results will be announced as soon as possible, we hope around 1130. There will be a prize giving here as soon as the results are in. Results available at https://www.sportident.co.uk/results/ebor/2023/WR23sprint/
Prizes will be awarded to the top three in each of the following classes:
Course | Age Class | BO Age | Controls | Length(km) | Climb(m) |
1 |
Senior Men Senior Women |
M18/20/21/35 |
15 |
2.4 |
55 |
2 |
Veteran Men Veteran Women Super Vet Men Super Vet Women |
M40/45/50 |
11 |
2.0 |
45 |
3 |
Ultra Vet Men Ultra Vet Women |
M65/70 |
10 |
1.8 |
30 |
4 |
Junior Men Junior Women Hyper Vet Men Hyper Vet Women |
M14/16 |
9 |
1.4 |
25 |
5 |
Young Junior Men* Young Junior Women* |
M10/12 |
10 |
1.9 |
45 |
* Please note: Course 5 is longer than usual sprint events to ensure the course is of the correct technical difficulty for the age class. It also includes a taped section clearly marked with red and white tape.
Prize giving will be as soon as possible after 1115 in the sprint assembly.
North Yorkshire Mountain Bike Orienteers are holding a 3 hour Score event. There are 30 controls, adding up to maximum of 525 points if all were visited.
We are also planning to have a short course that takes about an hour to complete with a few controls available throughout the weekend for anyone who wants to try out the MBO and MapRun without doing the main event.
Venue; Car parking and assembly at Rawcliffe Motors, Stape Rd, YO18 8JA. See
Sprint map above. Toilet available at Assembly
Directions; ; Please be aware that
White Rose Sprint race competitors will be arriving from the weekend camp site,
and early finishers could also be leaving as you arrive. Start and finish are
in the White Rose Sprint Assembly field
Map and Terrain: the course will use MapRun, and the map download will be available by the Thursday before the event.The blank course map, will be available on the website from about the 20th.
The course uses the bridleways, tracks and forest roads throughout all of Cropton Forest
Entries; Pre-entries only, entry is here and there is 50% off entries received by midnight on the 22nd.
Starts: Registration is 1130-1245, with starts between 1200 – 1300 (early starts for White Rose weekenders may also be possible by arrangement).
Please see NYMBO web site for more details and entries at nymbo.org.
Camping is available from 1600hrs on Friday 25th August until 1600hrs on Monday 28th August. The campsite is adjacent to the assembly field.
We are grateful to Wethead Farm for their help in allowing us the use of their fields. Dogs will be allowed on the main assembly camping field as long as they are strictly controlled.
Toilets will be provided in the campsite and main assembly area. A water supply will be provided in the campsite field. This water is fresh and clean, drawn from a private supply.
We are grateful to Simon Peers and North Yorkshire Scouts Event Support Team for their help in managing the water supply for White Rose 2022 and also providing us with their excellent marquee.
Fees are £12 per pitch per night for advance bookings and £18 per pitch per night on the day. Bookings to be made through Racesignup along with race entries.
For those not camping the Day Parking will be adjacent to Assembly with a fee of £2 per day.
Suitable for ages 1 to 91. Prizes for those under 10 years old. Free including free dibber hire. Any dibber can be used (this race is separate from all the others) or dibbers will be available on loan free of charge. The terrain is a flat and only the uncrossable fences are mapped! The map is large scale drawn by Steve Whitehead. Start and finish are close to the marquee. 4 courses available each day so why not try them all?
A pace & bearing competition where you are given a distance and bearing to mark out with your feet and compass. No tape measures please. The nearest to the Judge’s measurement is the winner. The judges decision is final. No entry fee.
On a selected hill and using SI blocks you will be timed how quickly you can cover the distance. No entry fee.
Usual White Rose quiz questions, a selection of rubbish from around the world, trying to test your general knowledge and thinking ability.
Entry fee £2, with all proceeds going to Cancer Research.
The Classic and Middle Distance Races Prize Giving will take place on Sunday afternoon. We will also be awarding prizes here for the Night Score, Trail O, White Rose Quiz, Hill Race, and Pace & Bearing competitions.
TRADERS. Compass Point will be on site.
CATERING. The Bakehouse Yorkshire are confirmed for drinks hot and cold, sandwiches, cakes, etc
There are local stores in Pickering. There are many pubs, cafes and restaurants where you can eat locally.
BARBEQUE. There will be a BBQ for all interested on Sunday evening. Ebor will supply two large BBQ’s and charcoal. Bring your own food. All welcome
White Rose endeavours to provide an enjoyable and full weekend of orienteering activities. The team which is bringing you this year’s White Rose Weekend:
Steve Corrigan | Planner: Friday Night Score event. |
Stuart Fraser | Planner: Saturday Middle distance race. |
Peter Roberts | Planner: Saturday Trail O. |
Brendan Anglim/Richard Rigby (CLOK) | Planners: Sunday Classic distance race. |
Emma McAnaw | Planner: Monday Sprint race |
Tim Evans | Planner: Monday MBO |
Whitehead/Johnsons/Beavers | Planners: Maze, etc |
John Smales | Event Organiser. |
Dave Robertson | Day Organiser: Monday MBO |
Paul Taylor(CLOK) | Controller – Middle Distance race. |
Chris Burden (AIRE) | Controller – Classic Distance race. |
Steve Corrigan | Controller – Sprint race |
Paul Taylor (CLOK) | Surveyor and Mapper |
Maria McKenzie and Jonny Brooker | Campsite Managers |
Graham Todd, Simon Brook, Alastair Mackenzie (CLOK) | IT & Systems Managers |
Equipment and Logistics Manager |