Routegadget set up here
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Thank you for turning up today, the weather was much better than forecast.
Although Wheldrake is flat it can still be a challenge, especially if you try to cut through some areas of ‘Fight”. I tried that at the Bowden Housteads night event and failed miserably.
There are some lovely pieces of woodland at Wheldrake so I hope you enjoyed those.
My apologies for my error on the Short Green loose descriptions. We rectified it for some but not everyone. A lesson learnt for me.
The new map at 1:7500 had to be A3 size, which was harder to handle but we thought better for detail.
The helpers did a great job and the Organiser Johnny (assisted by Maria) provided some lovely jam scones and cups of tea. Johnny also placed some early Easter Eggs in the woods for the Juniors and I was pleased to find one when I was collecting controls.