Meet 6.30pm in the very small car park on the east side of Water Lane by the junction with Woodland Chase: Woodland Chase, York YO30 6PQ
Woodland/scrub/grassland – York’s premiere orienteering terrain: more practice for the night orienteering season. Perhaps you should aim to be nightO-ready in time for the British Night Champs to be held in Yorkshire in February next year.
Headlight/torch needed!
We’ll be playing leapfrog. In pairs with one map: person A sets of to #1 and about half way there hands the map to person B who has to quickly locate themselves and find the control then set of to #2. Half way there they hand the map back to person A who finds the control and so on. This is excellent practice for those annoying occasions where you momentarily lose concentration and forget precisely where you are on the map.
The best approach is to check that the map is correctly orientated/note that you won’t be far from where you think you should be/ look at the big and preferably unique features nearby/double check with another feature once you think you’ve located yourself.